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The Beautiful Game...Only Slower!

Type 1 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes?

BMI’s over 30?

On Beta-Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers and/or Cholesterol lowering medicine?

Arthritic joints and dodgy backs?

Lived experience of low mood, depression and anxiety?

All of the above were represented by the twelve hardy souls who made Dunstable Town FC

history on Wednesday morning at Creasey Park. We kicked off our first ever Community Benefit Society Walking Football Group on the 3g pitch at 11am.

The purpose of becoming a Community Benefit Society is to ensure the long-term future of

the Club. We hope to achieve that goal by providing a range of different activities for

individuals and groups of people, centered around either football, gentle exercise or

community and company. And in so doing we become a bona-fide benefit to the community. Just in case you were wondering, we still play football with a passion and a

purpose every Saturday afternoon at 3pm.

Deliberately low key, and not promoted or advertised beyond the Committee and

supporters on the Club’s data base, the session acted as a trial run.

Losing weight, becoming fitter, reducing blood sugar levels are just some of the benefits of

exercise. But exercise is also a proven benefit in helping reduce symptoms of low mood,

depression and anxiety.

On Wednesday the fightback against ill-health began. After an hour of reliving heydays,

turning back the clock and constant laughter the group gathered for a photo complete with

Assistant Manager, Anthony Christophi, who had come to lend his moral support and not to

do some scouting.

Walking Football is free to join and free to play. We meet every Wednesday on the 3g at

Creasey Park, kick off is at 11am.

Please contact Sam Giddings if you want to join us.

My personal Fitbit data for the session. Week 1. 7,012 steps. 706 calories burned.

Written by Andrew Madaras


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