The green-fingered aspiring horticulturists in the Sphere at the Glider group finished their entry for Dunstable in Bloom with a decorative entry in the wheelbarrow category back in June and were awarded 3rd place in the voting category on Monday.
The group worked collectively and even got Rupert in on the act. A real team effort with everyone coming forward with ideas and suggestions.
The theme was the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and attracted many favourable comments on its ingenuity and design.
Sphere at the Glider is a Friendship group which meets every Monday as part of Dunstable Town FC’s Community Benefit Society programme. The group is currently full and not able to take on any new members.
Sphere member Penny is shown here proudly holding the certificate.
The Club’s other Friendship group, Chums and Crumbs, a joint venture with Titan PCN and Stevenage Leisure Ltd meets every Thursday at the Dunstable Centre on Court Drive between 11 am and 1 pm and is still taking new members.
All the Club’s community groups are free to join and participate in.