With the club's restructure as a Community Benefit Society, one of our missions was to offer free activities to the local community. One of the first groups we established, our ever-growing Walking Football team, celebrated their first birthday recently with a welcome guest at a recent Friday night session. Michael Watts, Community Champion at ASDA Dunstable, presented the team with a cheque from the ASDA Foundation. Asda Foundation is an independent charity with more than 30 years’ history of helping people in local communities and they presented the cheque to Dunstable Town Football Club Walking Football Team in recognition of their contribution towards transforming communities and improving lives.

The funds have been spent on a new kit for the team to allow them to play games against other Walking Football teams with a friendly fixture already organised for next week versus MK Walkers. Health Benefits of Walking Football According to the Walking Football Association (WFA), Walking football is an excellent way of staying fit and healthy. Studies have shown it can be effective in the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension and that it can produce high aerobic activity with marked improvements in fat oxidation and aerobic power. Importantly, benefits are felt whilst deriving enjoyment, which makes people far more likely to exercise than perhaps the perceived chore of having to just ‘exercise regularly.’

Mental health benefits of Walking Football There are also many psychological and mental health advantages to playing Walking Football, namely high levels of personal reward and satisfaction with reduced levels of stress and exertion while playing, despite working physically hard. Social benefits of Walking Football Walking football also gives the community the chance to become involved in something they really enjoy, make new friends, form lasting relationships with like-minded people and generally improve their social circle and overall quality of life, often making them feel less isolated and more a part of the wider community. If you are interested in hearing more about Walking Football or wanting to attend any of the sessions please contact the team manager, Ian Bateman at walkingfootball.dunstabletownfc@gmail.com Dunstable Town Walking Football Team meet from 8 pm - 9 pm every Friday and 11 am – 12 pm fortnightly on Wednesdays, the sessions take place on the all-weather pitches at Creasey Park.
New players are always welcome of any age, gender or skill! We are open to all and it’s FREE!